Google Ad Campaign Management

Campaigns that target the right people in the right places, and shatter your growth goals. Google Ads drives instant traffic to your website, and we focus on increasing your ROI month on month with our PPC experts.

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Reliable, Profitable Google Ad Campaigns.

Google Ads are a powerful and scalable growth tool. For many businesses with growth targets, a reliably profitable advertising campaign should be one of your top priorities.

Whether it’s taking website traffic from your competitors, putting your website infront of customers at the right time, or targeting people who have been on your website who haven’t pulled the trigger yet, Google Ads let you laser target exactly the right people at the right time.

You only pay for the ads that get clicked on. What we optimise over time is improving our targeting, finding the kind of people who end up using your services the most.

Campaigns That Make A Difference.

We continually tweak and optimise your campaigns for the best return on investment.

Google Ads

Shooting you straight to the top of search results, and keeping you there. Google Ads are competitive, but we constantly optimise your campaigns to make sure your leads and new business come at great value.

Google Shopping

A powerful traffic channel for E-Commerce websites. Featuring your products right there in search results with images, information and pricing when your potential customer is looking for them is a great way to generate sales and profit.


Targeting users who have already been on your site, but haven't pulled the trigger yet. A returning visitor is 43% more likely to convert than a new one. Bringing your visitors back drives the best ROI.

Hear From Our Customers.

We’ve made them very happy, and we’re Westmeaths highest rated agency.

Let's Get You More Business Online.

Arrange a free consultation, we’ll help you out.


Frequently Asked Questions.

How much does Google Ad Management cost?

When you work with us on your Google Ad campaigns, there are two costs involved:

  1. Your Ad Spend
    The money you pay Google to display your ads to customers. The more you spend here, the more people see your ads.
    We recommend starting small with a budget between €500 and €1000, this allows us to gather some data and optimise how your money gets spent. Depending on your industry, at the beginning it might cost you €10 per new customer through Google Ads, after a period of optimising that could go as low as €5. After that, we can increase your spend and generate new business on tap.
  2. Our Management Fee
    We charge 15% of your ad spend a month to manage your campaigns, at a minimum fee of €350 per month Ex VAT. This is because as you spend more on ads, your campaigns get more complex and take more resources for us to manage. Our Google Ads experts continually monitor your campaigns for ways to increase the business you get and reduce the cost of that new business over time.


In summary, on beginning a new campaign with us, you could expect to be paying a total of €850 a month between your ads budget and our management fee.

Why can't I just run ads myself? Google told me it's easy!

Running automatic Google ad campaigns is a very fast way to spend a lot of money. 


Sure, Google has made it very simple for anyone to just start their own campaign. You can get one up and running in an hour if you choose one of their automated ad products!


But let’s be real: It’s not in Googles best interest to get you traffic at the lowest possible cost. Their main revenue stream is people paying for advertising. Google is a business – they’ve made it easy to spend money but not necessarily ensure that it is spent in the best way it could be!


We manually research your keywords and create your campaigns by hand. We keep an eye out for the most efficient way for your money to be spent. We also use something called conversion tracking, that way we can figure out what ads are the most economically efficient and keep driving down the cost of you acquiring new customers.


We’re going to change the industry and the details here, but we had a client come to us after running his own ads for a while. He was expecting to spend around €200 a month running ads to his website by himself. When he set up the campaign, he made a couple of mistakes, and got slapped with a  €4000 bill for his ad spend.  Since he had no experience in setting up the right targeting, and had just ran the ads on a very general keyword nationwide, this spend didn’t even net him a single new customer.


When you use Googles default ad system for say “office chair” and let it run, your ads could start showing up for totally irrelevant searches like “office cleaning” “comfy chair” “office meeting table” and more. We find these bad terms that can find their way into your campaigns and make sure they don’t show up, meaning your money gets spent on better and better targeted ads.


Once we’ve spent a few months working on your campaign, we will have drilled down your most profitable search terms, and gotten your cost per customer down to a profitable level.


You’re also welcome to return to managing your own ads at any time, and all the optimisations we’ve performed will stay in place. 

How will I know you're making me money?

We provide a monthly report on the ad spend, the cost per customer, and exactly how many new customers you got through Google ads.


At the beginning of our process, we’ll ask you a few key questions:


  1. What are your most profitable products and services?
  2. How much profit do you make from your initial transaction with a new customer?
  3. What’s your average customer lifetime value?


This lets us put together a budget for you on how much you are willing to spend on each click, and as we drive down your click costs and drive up your conversion rate, you’ll see your profit margin off ad spend increase over time.


You’ll always know exactly what return you are getting from our services.

Get In Touch.

To avoid conflicts of interest, we only work with one client per industry per town/city. Get in touch now and make sure you’re represented by us!

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Upfront Digital are Westmeaths highest rated Design, Marketing, and SEO Agency. We’re here to get you more leads, more business, and more sales. Let’s talk.

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